The Girl With Broken Wings - THE KIDS STORY


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The Girl With Broken Wings

The Girl With Broken Wings

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The Girl With Broken Wings


I was working on my doctoral thesis as a young enthusiastic reaseracher.

I came back from temporary teaching assignment at a village after the administration did not pay my salary on the grounds that local politicians were not passing my salary.

If this would have been not India the administrators would have been in jail.

But here civil servants were full powers plus free liquor.

The free liquor made them more like an animal. For the whole day Selten my principal who was also administrator of the village was drunk whole day. He had a secrative personality which to me looked intriguing. I was always attracted by negative entitities and selton was a demon. He had sex almost everyday . No he was not married with unmarried girls he would lure them into it. The highlight was at 19 when he went into medical college he made a muslim girl pregnant and used his knowledge of medicine to abort the child. The girl was devasted but because it was Indian culture could not tell anyone what selten did to her. She went into trauma. Everything in life was a profit and loss statement for Selten. In India there is a market for boys where they are sold according to their social and finacial status, which Selten knew very meticulously. He was exhibitted in his village in marriage market but Selten was already getting free sex so he denied the offer. He was enjoying multiple sexual partners at age of 17 and even when I am dead I am surprised why he did not get STD(any sexually transmitted diseases) . But his face has something which showed the expression of a 50 year old. As so much that he has features of a 50 year man on his face. When I first met him before searching for him I imagined he had wife and kids at home. Whenever I drove over his house I would imagine that behind the closed doors there were his kids playing and the idea hurt me so much that I would try not to look at his gate. As I grew I realised that if someone has to be in my life he would be in my life no matter what. But I also learned that people who try to kill you are not the once who love you.
Selten was happy to see my decomposed body so much that he ordered a foreign brand of alchohal unknown to him was the fact that my soul could look at his evil activity. Selten was basically relieved that now no one would raise a finger on him as people were saying that Selten had an affair with me. Now Selten was so rude to me and I imagined him to be married I never thought he would be interested in me. My intution was correct but for him an innocent rabbit was to be hunted. Little did he know that I am earth bound because I did not get the justice I deserved.

If I present the case in the court that someone was so evil with his intentions that without being present physically can rape me. Court will ask for proof. Which I cannot present. I was raped I was shouting in spirit world but nobody could help me. Selten was free. He was free as an eagle. He was trying to sleep with maximum women he could sleep but I was not of the type so he raped me spiritually. I was a virgin before I know. But I had blood all over my sheet and he just texted happens happens. I was unaware and in trauma. It took me months to recover in spirit world. I could not comprehend what has just happened. I was having high morals I never ever had a dream about having sex with anyone but suddenly Selten hired a psychic to send me dreams about me having sex with him. I was not aware of the fact then. I would wake up feeling ashamed. I never thought someone would just rape me because he wishes so. I always imagined not to trade my virgianity just because I was in love and male and female contraceptives were discovered. But for Selten it was lust. If because of his post he could not rape me physically he would rape me spiritually. He has traded his sperms in exchange of vagina earlier also. It was nothing for him.

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